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4 Unique and Entertaining Blog Post Ideas for Photographers

Coming up with blog post ideas sounds simple enough in theory, but it seems to be where people overthink the most. Especially when you feel like everything you think of has been done over and over again.

blogging manager for photographers

The preparation and lead up to blogging is probably the most daunting. Once you sit down and start writing, it’s really not that bad! You’re trying to help people get to know you within these blog posts, so you should just write how you talk, and that’s not that difficult, right?

I’m here today to help you with arguably the hardest part - what the heck to write about. Don’t worry, I’ve got you!

1. Places you want to travel for photoshoots

This blog post idea is perfect for all of you destination elopement photographers and photographers with the travel bug! Come up with a list of places you’d love to shoot and give a few reasons why for each. Be sure to include some beautiful photos that inspire you and show why you’d love to shoot in those locations.

2. How you thought of the name of your business

Now if your business name is Your Name Photography, this won’t be a very long (or very interesting) blog post. However, if you’re someone with a unique business name, share the story behind it! This gives people an extra insight into you and your business, and they’ll feel more connected to you and your business when they’re done reading it.

3. Photos that inspire you and you want to recreate

Finding out what inspires an artist is always interesting! Use this blog post idea as an opportunity to share where you get your inspiration and share some gorgeous photos all in one fell swoop. This also gives you a perfect call to action to add at the end of the blog post: “who wants to help me recreate these photos and model for me?” You can tie this into some sort of deal (discounted rates) or just link people straight to your contact page. (Remember, internal and external links are a must when creating your blog posts. Check out my post on SEO basics to make sure you’re checking off the main SEO rules.)

4. Your photography story

This blog post idea can be interpreted a few different ways, so it’s kind of a 3-in-1. You can share how you first got into photography, an origin story blog post if you will. If you’re really brave, you could take people through the evolution of your photography from when you first started to now. Share old photos and point out how different your composition, editing, and style has evolved over the years. Another way to interpret this blog post idea is bringing people along for the journey of how you found your niche. Did you start by taking pictures of your friends in high school, then started doing family sessions, then took on a couple weddings, and through that learned you actually love capturing destination elopements? Tell us all about it!

The trick with sharing about yourself and what you do is not listening to that little voice that tells you “no one cares!” I promise you, people do! Especially the people looking at your site, trying to decide if they want to hire you to capture their family at this current season in their life or come along with them on their epic destination wedding to freeze those moments to cherish forever.

If you want more blog post ideas for photographers, check out another post where I share some HERE. Let me know in the comments or on instagram if you want me to do more posts like this! I got a lot of great feedback last time, so I’ll keep sharing them if you all keep wanting them! ☆

photographer blog manager



Hey! I'm Meg -

I know what it’s like to search Google, scouring blogs for the answers to all my questions, because I’m a gal who likes to know things and do things without asking anyone (Google doesn’t count!) for help.


If you’ve found yourself searching for Pinterest marketing tips and tricks about how to blog as a photographer, I’ve got you covered!


As a Pinterest + blogging manager for photographers, I have so many little gems I can share to help you market your business without having to show up every. single. day.

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